Incident Assessment This civic space incident monitoring and tracking tool seeks to build a data base of all civic space violations in Kenya. This tool should track all civic space incidents in the County and be filled by County-based civic space monitors at least not more than one week after the incident. Please tick from the statements below descriptions that best characterize the incident you are reporting. (Details of an incident can feature violations that cascade more than one freedom, please tick all that apply)Name of monitorCountyBaringoBometBungomaBusiaElgeyo-MarakwetEmbuGarissaHoma BayIsioloKajiadoKakamegaKerichoKiambuKilifiKirinyagaKisiiKisumuKituiKwaleLaikipiaLamuMachakosMakueniManderaMarsabitMeruMigoriMombasaMurang'aNairobiNakuruNandiNarokNyamiraNyandaruaNyeriSamburuSiayaTaita TavetaTana RiverTharaka-NithiTrans NzoiaTurkanaUasin GishuVihigaWajirWest PokotDate MM slash DD slash YYYY This field is hidden when viewing the formMonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberIncident descriptionPlease tick from statements below what best characterize the incident. Tick all that applya) Freedom of Assembly Rhetoric of government constantly suggests restrictions to public demonstrations and gatherings Imposition of stringent regulations on public gatherings that introduce arbitrariness Laws are introduced that potentially undermine the constitutional right to freedom of assembly Protest organisers report receiving threats from security agencies/govt officials Protest participants report receiving threats from security agencies and government officials. Climate of fear deterrers the public from exercising their right to assemble. Activists/demonstrators faced illegal arrests and prolonged detentions without formal charges. Use of excessive force by police (tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons). Violent crackdowns on peaceful demonstrations. Injuries and fatalities among protesters widespread b) Freedom of Association CSOs are subjected to Cumbersome/bureaucratic regulations CSOs involved in governance, human rights, and anti-corruption activities are roundly harassed CSOs activities are monitored and controlled by government through political pressure Invasive scrutiny that hinders the ability of organizations to operate freely and independently. Government surveillance of CSOs, incl monitoring of communications and activities. Citing and listing of PBOs on list of terror suspects and funders of anti-govt activities PBOs and HRDs engaging in protests are accused by govt for planning to overthrow the govt in power PBOs and HRDs are blocked from accessing international or other funding Abductions by masked men with unmarked cars. Limitation to PBOs financial independence eg freezing of bank accounts Refusal to renew work permits for CSO expatriates Deregistration of CSOs Summons to DCI and other Security Authorities c) Freedom of Expression Fear of reprisals has made many reluctant to report on controversial issues or criticize the government Hostile environment giving rise to self-censorship among journalists and activists. Increase in the use of cybercrime and hate speech laws to prosecute individuals for expressing dissenting views. The government exerts significant control over media outlets making censorship and control common Governmental controlling the narrative in public discourses Abduction of journalists Journalist/media facing physical attacks, threats, and intimidation. Reporters covering protests targeted and shot, thrown out of moving vehicles. d) Right to Access to Information/ Media freedom (digital space) Individuals and organizations seeking information have faced intimidation and harassment. Culture of secrecy within government institutions persistent. Requests for information under the Access to Information Act are often ignored or denied without justification Significant barriers by govt agencies preventing free flow of information to the public. Threats and legal action against those who file information requests deemed sensitive by the authorities The digital space faces restrictions. Whistleblowers are exposed to enforced disappearances, abductions or death Cyberattacks and blocking of websites that are critical of the government Internet shutdowns and disablement of press or publishing Please use the sources form to add your source(s) for each incident posted