Enabling Environment for Civic Actions
This involves auditing laws, policies, and institutional arrangements to identify oppressive laws, policies, and systems. It also includes continuously collecting and analyzing data, as well as tracking legislation affecting civil liberties during both formulation and implementation stages. CFF leads joint advocacy efforts to pursue legal, institutional, and policy reforms that uphold and protect civil liberties.
The main purpose of CFF is to consolidate civic actions for the advancement and protection of civil liberties. This is achieved by providing a platform through which CSOs exercise collective action, guided by well-defined frameworks for engagement. Through its networks, CFF continuously monitors legislative and policy processes affecting civic space, ensuring they provide a responsive legal environment for CSOs in Kenya. In addition, CFF monitors judicial processes and decisions, analyzing their impact on civic space, and periodically produces case digests on civic space.
Engagement with Regional and International Mechanisms
CFF collaborates with its members and partners in human rights reporting to regional and international bodies. It also actively participates in regional and international advocacy campaigns and initiatives aimed at improving civic space.
Objective: To collectively safeguard facilitative political
environment for civil society actions.