County Profile CountyBaringoBometBungomaBusiaElgeyo/MarakwetEmbuGarissaHoma BayIsioloKajiadoKakamegaKerichoKiambuKilifiKirinyagaKisiiKisumuKituiKwaleLaikipiaLamuMachakosMakueniManderaMarsabitMeruMigoriMombasaMurang'aNairobiNakuruNandiNarokNyamiraNyandaruaNyeriSamburuSiayaTaita/TavetaTana_RiverTharaka-NithiTrans NzoiaTurkanaUasin GishuVihigaWajirWest_PokotRegional presence of constitutional commissions and independent officesKenya National Human Rights CommissionNational Land CommissionIndependent Electoral and Boundaries CommissionJudicial Service CommissionPublic Service CommissionNational Police Service CommissionEthics and Anti-corruption CommissionOffice of the Director of Public ProsecutionsOffice of the Auditor GeneralCommission of Administration of JusticeNational Gender and Equality CommissionNational Cohesion and Integration CommissionConfirm County has CFF monitor County has monitor from CFF member organization No monitor Presence and operations of international institutions and organizations Yes No Are there active networks operational in the county Human rights networks CSO networks Faith based networks Civic space networks How many court stations are present in the county?How many police stations are present in the county?How many military bases/facilities are present in the county?How many mega projects/investments are hosted in the county?eg conservancies, bio fuels, extractives etcDoes the county have county askaris?Alternative justice initiatives